Time went by ever so slowly. I watched the clock as it turned 9:48a, 9:51a, 10:13a...my heart was racing. Finally, I got the word that my ride was downstairs. Knees trembling, I got into the passenger seat of a 1982 blue Toyota 4x4 that looked like it went to war and back. The door squeaked so loudly it scared me in my already fragile state. There was a quick "hola" and silence the rest of the way.
The new passenger introduced himself as Leo (pronounced Lay-o). He spoke to the driver in rapid fire spanish and I had no idea what was going on. Were they nervous? Were the conditions right? Were we going to get in trouble? Is this whole thing illegal? And does anyone in the US know where I am right now??? I was freaking out.
We arrived at another locked gate and Leo jumped out to open it for us. Massive signs warned of "no entry", etc... Leo also clicked the wheels into four wheel drive on the way back into the truck. The ride was as white knuckle as they come. Just enough room for one vehicle, steep incline, enormous rocks to avoid and NO GUARD RAIL WHATSOEVER. I've been in a plane with a blown engine over the Bering Sea and that was a walk in the park compared to this ride. I really started to think that this was not worth a little fix. Really? I am going to die BEFORE I even get the fix!
The ride of all rides
After what seemed like an hour of not breathing, we finally reached the top of Cerro Arco at 5,400 feet.
The drug house
Leo made all the preparations. He then whispered in my ear..."listen to me and just me right now... RUN, RUN, RUN AND DON'T STOP".
Completely freaked out, I did exactly what he said and then we had the BEST 20 MINUTE HIGH EVER!!!
Hey! That's me!
City of Mendoza
That small yellowish circle is the landing pad!! Yikes!
Ready to launch!!!
Thanks Leo for a great high! And love the red crash helmet. LOL!